Nothing beats home cooking. My home-cooked fave for today: Chicken Macaroni in Soup. Its a childhood comfort food of mine. Usually eaten when I was sick or as a quick & easy meal for lunch after school. The piping hot bowl was such a treat on a cold, rainy day such as today. Mmm..Mmm..
The past few days have been relaxing and well, comforting. Living away from home makes you appreciate it a whole lot more and realise how much you once took for granted. Thankfully my room is still my room and I can still take refuge in it to be pensive and introspective. Nothing much as changed ever since I left about a year ago, although that would be the case since I do visit home several times a year. Its crazy how time flies - I've lived away from home for a year, almost to the date.
I remember how excited and anxious I was when I arrived in New York & when my dad left me on my own for the 1st time. I was quite scared to be honest. I never told him that on our last dinner together, but I'm sure he knew from my teary eyes I was trying to hide from him. I also remember feeling home-sick and sheepishly not tell anyone - because I recollected times in my youth where I'd protest to my parents for my independence and freedom. That's the funny thing about independence: once you get it, you begin to feel a little lonelier and you miss the comforts of family. Because you never really appreciate something, until its gone. Of course, you'd never say "living at home ain't so bad" until you've actually lived away from home. Free laundry, free food, free cable & internet. Lots of company. Home cooked meals & heartfelt talks. Physical time with family never feels so good until you're separated from it for several months or years.
Enjoy home while you can, and once you've flown the coop, remember to visit. Cos really, there's no place like home.
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