Tuesday, September 18, 2007

You know you go to Parsons when: (these are the ones i relate to)

  • Nobody stands out, because everybody stands out.
  • Even the janitors wear skinny jeans
  • You go to Utrecht (the art supplies store) at least 3 times a week.
  • People automatically assume youre going into fashion..because they don't know Parsons does anything else.
  • You've walked up 9 flights of stairs carrying a toolbox and or portfolio that weighs more than you
  • You've been uncomfortably close to atlast 10 people at a time in the elevator.
  • You're not fat...because parsons doesn't accept fat people. That's actually a good thing because you have to wait long enought to squeeze into an elevator in the first place.
  • You have cut yourself at least once with wire, olfa, exacto, or maybe even bristol board.
  • If you commute to school...too bad..because teachers don't have sympathy at the New School. The only school where attendance absolutely matters & you get kicked out for being absent 3 times (even when you're in grad school)
  • Over 70% of the student population is female...the rest mostly gay...and very few lesbians...that's a lot of unhappy women..which is why they keep 'em so busy.
  • Your room looks like Utrecht vomited.
  • If you registration starts at 8 am, all the classes you want will be full by 8:15, and your schedule won't work. Oh, you want core classes? Too bad.

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