Last weekend, we had decided last minute to set out to Bar Harbor, ME and join a bunch of Sloanies for a long weekend and Fall foliage viewing. An estate consisting of 5 mini houses was booked which slept 20 people and my, what an estate it was! Imagine a set out of a Hollywood haunted manison: included in the houses are moose heads, native indian bronze statues, gargoyle guarded gates, odds books, eclectic furniture & decorations. There was a pool, a high tower with roof deck, a dining hall and an excellent view. Our time was spent BBQing, playing games, exploring Acadia National Park, taking a million photos and eating lots of lobster. Lots.
One of the 5 houses on the Estate
Maine Seafood
Summit Mountain at Acadia National Park
Jordan by Jordan's Pond
Scaling the cliffs by the beach at Acadia
By the Sand Beach

Frolicking in the 4 acre estate
A Perfect Fall Colours roadtrip.
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