Friday, May 23, 2008

homeward bound

After playing hostess for several days, I'm ready to head on home for homecooked food, boiled soup, quality time with family, bonding time with my dog and a long overdue extended family vacation!! YAY!! YVR for the summer!! :D

Sunday, May 11, 2008

i hate moving

but i do like my new apartment. its small, but its good for one. it'll be interesting how it fairs for 2 this summer. and it'll be something to navigate around 3 bodies in about a week's time. for now, its decorating and organizing time!!! pics to come soon - i promise.

side note edit:
for the first time in a very long time, i've dyed my hair back to its natural colour - black.
home kit hair dye on sale = $6
saving money whilst a student = priceless

Thursday, May 1, 2008

getting dolled up

Spring Gala 2008, Rosecliff Mansion, Newport, RI
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