OMG. Its the last 2 weeks of school and we're all working hard for the final push of the semester and for many of my friends & myself, the final push of our post graduate program. Projects are due, presentations need to be prepped & final exams need to be studied for. And to keep me company on my lonely long nights? The best kettlecorn I've bought from a store! Ike & Sam's Kettlecorn is AMAZING.
I'm no popcorn fan mind you. I don't usually purchase popcorn at the movies but this yummy, crunchy bag of goodness was first introduced to me by a girlfriend who shares my love for munchie snacks. While perusing Whole Foods one night after class, she pulled out this bag of kettlecorn goodness! Both salty & sweet, Ike & Sam's has the cutest mascots and yummy flavour variations. My faves being: The Original and most recently, a bag I picked up tonight in Kickin' Cayenne! Mmm..Nyum Yummmmy. So friggin good. Did I mention they are all natural with no preservatives, no trans fats and no cholesterol! And its manufactured right here in Brooklyn, NY. Go find a bag in a grocery store near you. Happy healthy munching!
is it possible to purchase this in Canada?
i'm salavating. i love popcorn!
I got it @ Whole Foods. So maybe check it out there?
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