Wednesday, February 27, 2008

it's that time of the year again

i'm not one for big celebrations. ever since i turned 20, it seems to just simply fly by and massive birthday parties turned to birthday dinners with loved ones. time passes so quickly and the next thing you're closer to being an adult than you've ever been before.
i realise i'm already an adult, legally. but somehow, not matter how many birthdays seem to pass, i never feel like one. call it "young-at-heart" but sometimes, i swear it feels like i'm eternally 18. thankfully, i'm not.
age, experience and wisdom are good things to acquire.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

president's day

boston bruin lambos and ferrari sightings
dessert for dinner and homemade mee siam for tea
post valetine's dinner in a brownstone basement
catching up on heroes
sleeping in
sitting on the T - just you & me
these are what memories are made of...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

anticipating intimacy

i'm waiting for the weekend...can't wait to see you again...

little indulgences

i found these delightfully funny chocolates,
not only is it excellent marketing & packaging,
but they're yummy too! happy valentines!

Friday, February 8, 2008


Several times a year, in the fashion industry, usually coinciding with Fashion Week, Market takes place and today, I got to be a part of it. Market is when buyers from department stores, specialty stores and boutiques come to designers' showrooms to view merchandise and place orders. This means having models come in to wear the looks and show them off to the buyers who wish to see them, while the sales account managers sell the product.

It's a fast-paced, go-go-go environment. Clothes flying everywhere, hangers dangling on every limb possible, shoes all over the floor, half naked models who don't bat an eyelid when they go topless in front of you whilst trying to get into an evening gown. Here are some of the tid-bits I've taken away from my day at Market:

- Models eat: and its not just a handful of almonds or a leaf of lettuce. They actually eat salads with dressing, cookies, bagels with cream cheese, bananas, chips etc.

- Wolford tights rock! They resist snags, constant pulling up & down and they look great!

- Chanelesque suits are so classy and they're not just for older women.

- No model is perfect, they have stretch marks, scars and blemishes too. And employers will still feel that models are too big, too tall, too wide etc.

- WEAR FLATS! I'm glad i did.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year candy tray
Originally uploaded by hale_popoki

Damn, I miss Chinese New Year back home...

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone! Gong Hey Fatt Choy! & Eat plenty of goodies and collect lotsa Ang Paos (red money packets) for me!